

Ossian Warrior Poet

This book is a collection of 3rd – 4th Century AD stories from centuries of Scottish and Scottish Gaelic story-telling tradition.  These stories were originally collected and published by James Macpherson in 1761. They centre around the exploits of Fingal of Morven in Selma (modern day Argyllshire) and his warrior poet son, Ossian of Cona (modern day Glencoe).  Fingal is King of Morven, linked to the Irish throne by marriage and so duty bound to help defend it.  Ossian is the bard, chronicler, of their family and he narrates throughout the battles of his father and those Ossian fought in himself.  Battles with Roman, Scandinavian and Pictish invadors.  Battles in Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Scandinavia. I am rekindling these sagas for a new generation as sadly they are little known outside of academia.

This new edition will include real world maps, full colour illustrations and illustrated family trees. I have worked hard to bring the text out of the 18th Century and into more modern terms, without compromising the beauty of the original work.

Following a successful Kickstarter campaign (we were funded in just two weeks) the book is due to be published Summer 2021 by the arts & heritage indy publisher: Wide Open Sea.

About Me

I am a Scottish artist, author and storyteller with over 20 years professional experience in the Arts, Heritage and Museums industries. Ossian Warrior Poet is my version of the 18th century stories collected by James Macpherson. It is something I have worked on for years and its a real labour of love.

You can read my interview with The National here.